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President Muhammadu Buhari has felicitated with former Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Chibudom Nwuche, as he turns 60.

Special Adviser to the President on Media & Publicity, Femi Adesina, who disclosed this in a statement noted that Nwuche has always worked for the development of Niger Delta.

The statement read: “President Muhammadu Buhari warmly felicitates with former Deputy Speaker of House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Chibudon Nwuche and his family, as he turns 60 on September 30, 2021, praying that the Almighty God will continue to guide and protect him.

“President Buhari rejoices with the former deputy speaker on his impressive achievements working in the private and public sectors, which include legal practice, business, humanitarian services and as an elected lawmaker, rising to a leadership position in the National Assembly.

“The President notes the contributions of Rt. Hon Nwuche at the House of Representations, with bills that were directly hinged on welfare of the people and which greatly impacted on the nation, like the Nigerians with Disability Bill, the Nigerian Media Bill and The Nigerian Local Content Bill, and some have transformed into laws, institutions and commissions.

“President Buhari extols the community worker and grassroots activist, who played a strong role in passage of the Niger Delta Development Commission Act and the Onshore Offshore Dichotomy Bill, and also set up scholarships and grant schemes for indigent students and entrepreneurs. The President wishes Rt. Hon. Nwuche longer life and prosperity.”